Thanks for Sharing Shalia Sparks, TASB Volunteer at Hair by Sha, Overlook Park, Kan.
What are you thankful for today?? I’m thankful for My Mother!! **Happy Mother’s Day to All the Mothers!!** A mother is the one who loves you unconditionally, even though she might not like you at the moment. A mother stays awake worrying cause she cares for you more than you’ll ever know. A mother will nurture you in a way that only she knows how. A mother will put a band aid on your ouchie, cook dinner for you, help you with homework… all while talking on the phone!! She is the Original Multi Tasker!! There are many people who fill these shoes… Even a Non-Mom will be a Mother Figure to someone else. And maybe you have been blessed by having many Mothers!! So this goes out to All the Mothers, StepMothers, Aunts, GrandMothers, NonMoms and the Fathers who are like a Mom… May your day be filled Love, Laughter, Peace and Happiness!! Enjoy your day and Every day Loving on your kids!! Happy Mother’s Day!

mothers day
The Story That Moved This Entire Middle School to Tears
My special tribute to Mom – don't forget to call yours today! #HappyMothersDay
Posted by Marc Mero any day